Visiting Sri Lanka

HERE WE GO !!!!!
Google earth is another existing technology which provides information through satellite images and maps. Through Google earth you can find...
Bentota is 65 km from Colombo and is a popular and fully geared tourist resort. Before the era of mass tourism and the consequent constr...
"Dambulla The Golden Rock Temple" Rajamaha Temple of Rangiri Dambulla (Golden Rock Temple) Located north of Kandy and considere...
Tourist industry in Sri Lanka is a rapidly developing industry. At present a tourist needs to have the services of a tour guide for his tour. This might be expensive and unsafe from the perspective of the tourist, further there is the possibility of him having the incorrect information. A tourist guide system will be a perfect solution for this situation. If the system can provide accurate and comprehensive information about the places that the tourist visits and also if the system guides the tourist to the places of importance with ease, that will be all what he expects. Combining the technologies of GPS and internet (3.5G mobile) this effort is to produce such a product, a tourist guidance system which offers all the information and guidance needed for a tourist.